Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Kansas SHL Advocates For Grandparents Rights VS Foster Care

Read the article below..click to enlarge. A couple quotes from this article:

"We heard testimony from several grandparents who felt they weren't being treated right," said Zook. "People are not happy with the way the SRS is handling it. It seems like SRS get more money if they put the children into foster homes than they do giving the children to their grandparents. The grandparents feel they are being left out."

"It was awful," Zook said of the stories told to the SHL by distraught grandparents. "They expected to take their grandchildren home and the next thing they knew, the grandchildren were in foster homes out of state. The children are so unhappy."

Click on article to enlarge!


  1. Thanks for creating a blog like this.. We, as grandparents need more support as being recognized as a vital part of what most of us call FAMILY. I will be adding a link to your blog on http://nfpcar.org/Grand/ This site may, at first seem odd, but once you get to know us, you will know we are for Families and against the Agency, who in reality, were supposed to assist Families in Need

  2. I too agree. Thank you for creating a blog and site for grandparents who have been abused as well, by the system meant to reunify family. God is the only One who can bring our children home to us. We must pray day and night without fail. The system does not respect children, person, property or religion. The well-being of the child is not placed as "priority." Money is, in this instance, the root of all evil. I never understood that saying until I lost my granddaughter. It matters not that I am a licensed foster parent; that my background is flawless. When the system could not find anything on me, they made something up without proof or evidence. All to take my grandbaby. Our constitutional rights are not followed, are meaningless in the face of this system. Our families are not foremost in our United States of America. Our United States of America was founded by "family." But, a family divided cannot stand. Are we a family known as The United States of America? Will that too fail as has our government?

  3. I think foster care for small child is really bad. In this age children need true love, affection and someone who can take care of them. I think grandparents right should be given to their grand-mother or grand-father, if they are interested in taking care of their grandchild's.
    Grand Parents Rights
